13 unthinkable facts that will expand your horizons (14 photos)

20 January 2025
Category: actuality, 0+

We tend to perceive the world around us as something ordinary and familiar. But in fact, there are many amazing stories happening very close by, the existence of which we do not even suspect. In this post you will learn interesting facts about everything.

1. Kawa Ijen is the only volcano in the world with blue lava

This is because in the volcano’s caldera there is a sulfur lake, from which gas comes to the surface.

2. Crocodiles swallow stones to dive deeper and improve digestion.

3. When a person lies, the temperature of his nose decreases, but his forehead temperature becomes higher.

4. The amount of food a person eats directly depends on the lighting of the room. The darker it is, the higher the appetite

5. Grasshoppers have hearing organs on their front legs

6. To improve the quality of meat, Australian farmers give their cows red wine.

This new feeding method was introduced for the famous Wagiu breed cows. Each Burenka receives a liter of tart cabernet merlot wine from the famous Australian brand “Chesnut Grove” every day.

7. Natural diamonds are not visible under X-rays

8. In the 16th century in Great Britain, pineapple was considered a luxury item.

Pineapples were delivered straight from America by ship. The road was quite long, and the goods quickly deteriorated. If you still managed to deliver valuable cargo, then its cost skyrocketed. They didn’t eat pineapples, they went out with them, and even rented them out to show off to wealthy guests.

9. The engine of Bugatti cars is so powerful that there are no tires in the world that could withstand its maximum speed.

10. Cows can climb stairs, but they cannot go down them.

This is caused by the special design of the cow's knee. To walk down stairs, a cow must be able to fully straighten her legs, but this is hampered by the structure of the bones in the knee joints.

11. The cat is the only pet that is not mentioned in the Bible

Scientists believe that the reason is that for the neighbors of the Egyptians, cats were an object of cult and worship. Murlyki valued life above human life. Herodotus wrote that during a fire, cats were rescued first, and then people.

12. Flamingos can drink boiling water

In nature, flamingos drink hot water from geysers that comes out of the ground. This is the only source of drinking water in their habitats. Flamingos have adapted to drink without burning their throats.

13. In Ancient Greece, throwing an apple at a woman was considered a marriage proposal.

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