Why do Americans put their feet on the table? (6 photos)
Several popular versions of a famous habit.
A famous scene from about half of overseas films - a guy sits with his feet on the table. And not only films - even many American presidents are depicted in this pose.
I'm in charge here
Let's start with the fact that the first reason is purely social.
In the USA, it is usually either the owner of his own office, or, at worst, his own desk, who puts his feet up on the table. That is, either some kind of boss, or at least a more or less respected employee. Thus showing your authority.
In general, there is an opinion that the tradition of putting your feet up on the table dates back to medieval English feudal lords - British lords used this simple way to demonstrate to others who was the coolest. Then this habit was successfully taken over by American cowboys and sheriffs. Boots straight to the table with spurs!
Another interesting version is that among the first Americans there were many owners of a genetic disorder, the so-called Marfan syndrome. That is, those with increased performance and too long legs (such as the famous President Lincoln).
The “marfan workers” simply could not conveniently pack their excessively long limbs under a regular table. And involuntarily they threw them ON the table. And since carriers of this syndrome often (due to their particular energy) became big bosses, their feet on the table quickly became a sign of success and dominance.
Yes, Americans put their legs on the table in their offices or at home. An unfamiliar Yankee in your apartment will obviously not pull off this trick. One more thing - Americans don’t put their feet up on the dinner table - only on the writing table, or, in extreme cases, on the small coffee table.
Rest your feet
Another good reason to throw your lower limbs on the table is purely medical.
The Yankees, in this way, as they themselves believe, give tired legs rest and prevent varicose veins with swelling. This habit has been instilled in Americans since their youth. There's no arguing here.
Don't mind the furniture
And finally, Americans are extremely practical about furniture and cleanliness. To put it simply - both things are not really taken care of.
Furniture damaged by feet in shoes can always be replaced. And the dirt - well, it will be cleaned up by the cleaners from the clearing services bureau, why are they paid money at all? This means you can safely put your feet up on the table, even with shoes on.