Mental disorders named after famous personalities (9 photos)

20 October 2024
Category: медицина, 0+

Purposeful study of the human psyche began relatively recently. And over the years it was necessary to somehow systematize the various manifestations of the psyche.

Instead of inventing complex names, it was decided to turn to popular people - real and fictitious. It was clearer and easier this way. Here are some of them.

White rabbit syndrome

This is the permanent state of a person who is constantly afraid of being late somewhere and is often late. A neurotic condition in which the carrier of the syndrome is stressed most of the time.

Stendhal syndrome

This is a very interesting type of psychosomatic disorder. Physically, it manifests itself in palpitations, possible hallucinations and dizziness. This comes from a deep impression of the beauty of works of art or nature.

It was named after a 19th century French writer because he described exactly these symptoms when he saw Florence. This term is not officially registered, and it also has a second name - Florentine syndrome.

Marilyn Monroe syndrome

This mental illness is expressed in the fact that a person, despite absolute success and well-being, is in a state of self-loathing. He considers himself a failure, despite the fact that those around him recognize his successes and merits.

This is exactly what happened to Hollywood actress Marilyn Monroe.

Symptoms of the disorder: fear of loneliness, increased self-criticism, sacrifice, severe anxiety, feeling like a child among adults, absolute sacrifice. If the condition is neglected, these symptoms will be followed by panic attacks and abuse of sedatives and sleeping pills.

The reasons for the manifestation of the syndrome usually come from early childhood, when the child did not receive enough attention and love from his parents. As an adult, he begins to seek approval outside the family.

Van Gogh syndrome

This syndrome refers to those who deliberately attempt or hurt themselves through surgery and actively insist on a series of operations. Yes, the artist only cut off his earlobe, but the term has taken root well in medical circles. It can be caused by both schizophrenia and hypochondria delusions.

Pollyanna syndrome

These are people with positive thinking. What is it, it would seem? But people suffering from this syndrome erase absolutely all the disadvantages and this protective reaction of the body leads to the destruction of the personality. They are highly dependent on the opinion of society, almost never express their own opinions, do not understand people at all, do not learn lessons from life experience, and there is always a friendly smile on their face.

But in fact, a person suffering from Pollyanna syndrome is afraid of any criticism addressed to him, he is always depressed, but seems very kind. And when this protective mechanism breaks down and denial of the real state of affairs turns into the fact that a person breaks down and can no longer experience joy and cannot find advantages in anything.

Plyushkin syndrome

Continuous collection and storage of things. Usually, the home of a person with this syndrome becomes simply uninhabitable over time.

"Plyushkins" suffer from this form of obsessive-compulsive disorder. They are characterized by a very attentive attitude to what normative people call garbage. To people with the syndrome, such things seem to be of real value.

There is also Diogenes syndrome, which also manifests itself in collecting a variety of rubbish and refusing any contact with other people. Psychiatrists are inclined to believe that this is a malfunction of the brain's frontal lobe.

Alice in Wonderland syndrome

This is a fairly rare and unusual disease. It is expressed in a distortion of the perception of reality. It comes in the form of either micropsia or macropsia. Large objects look small to the sick and vice versa. A person with the syndrome simply cannot estimate the size of objects around him, which, of course, seriously complicates his life. The following can provoke the manifestation of the syndrome: epilepsy, brain tumors, migraines, mononucleosis, schizophrenia, fever, Epstein-Barr virus and, of course, the use of prohibited substances.

Munchausen syndrome

This is a rather serious mental disorder in which a person artificially causes symptoms of illness or simulates them. Patients, even after undergoing full examinations, deny the absence of diseases.

Munchausen syndrome is worse “from a third person”: when a person begins to “treat” and impose illnesses on another person. Often the victim becomes an elderly relative or a child, that is, mentally and physically dependent on Munchausen. A striking example is the story of Didi and Gypsy.

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