30 things in movies that often piss off audiences (31 photos)

6 August 2024
Category: movie, 0+

Movies often show things that don't quite correspond to reality. Users of the Reddit forum have compiled a whole list of unnatural things, tricks and scenes that are already quite annoying in films. Let's take a look at the most popular ones.

1. “It’s infuriating when movie characters dig graves in a forest full of trees. In reality, it’s full of roots - well, it’s impossible to dig a perfectly level grave there.”

2. “When the hero is driving, but looks thoughtfully to the side or stares for a long time at the person in the passenger seat. Look at the road, damn it!”

4. “It’s annoying when the hero is running and a car is chasing him - and instead of turning into the forest or onto the side of the road, he continues to run straight along the road. Well, that’s stupid.”

5. “I notice that everyone in Tom Cruise movies is shorter than him, or the same height as him.”

5. “Houses, especially in Hollywood movies, are always immaculate and ridiculously huge.”

6. "It's ridiculous when a hero gets seriously wounded and shows no signs of injury. Shot in the leg? Still able to run. Stabbed in the back? Still able to finish the fight."

7. Female actors always have perfect hair and outfits, even during crazy action.

8. “Also, women always look perfect when they survive on a desert island. Perfect hair, perfect skin.”

9. "When in a big fight scene, all the bad guys attack the main character one at a time, and the rest just stand aside. Attack them all at once!"

10. “Hackers in movies: they type a few words on a laptop and end up in hacker secret programs. Yes, yes.”

11. “It’s infuriating when the hero turns on the TV at the very moment when news important to the plot begins”

12. “And it infuriates me when movie characters live in big luxurious houses in New York, while working in the most ordinary position, where in reality they pay little.”

13. In movies, shooting guns indoors doesn’t stun anyone.

14. “This is usually how breakfast is shown in films. The hero grabs a piece of bread from there and runs off to work.”

15. “It shocks me when in movies they give diabetics insulin when they feel sick. This is not always correct. People who are not familiar with diabetes get the wrong idea.”

16. “It’s infuriating how they show childbirth in movies. Everything looks so easy, quick and clean. No, and again no.”

17. "Are you being shot at? Hide behind anything! Behind a door, an armchair, a sofa, cardboard boxes. They are bulletproof!"

18. “It’s annoying when an actor has no idea how to play the instrument he’s holding in his hands.”

19. After a blow to the head or loss of consciousness, heroes come to their senses within a minute

20. "When they use a defibrillator on someone whose heart has stopped. That doesn't happen. They have to be given medicine first to get the heart going."

21. “When a student, fresh out of college, rents a great apartment in a posh area while working a minimum wage job. Not in this reality.”

22. “The revival of drowned people is infuriating. They take a person out of the water slightly blue, apply a couple of pressures on the chest, and a miracle - he comes to life.”

23. “In movies, horses constantly make sounds, neigh, and so on. But in life they rarely make any sounds. I have 7 horses.”

24. “The scenes where the characters crawl through air ducts in buildings are infuriating. Yes, you can crawl through some, but in real life they are terribly dirty, there are a lot of sharp edges, and many obstacles to movement.”

25. “When characters order food at a restaurant, but barely touch it, starting an enthusiastic conversation.”

26. “Perfect simultaneous orgasms for couples in films. It’s like we agreed!”

27. “It’s annoying when lawyers approach a witness or juror in court. Well, that doesn’t happen. The lawyer just stays at his desk.”

28. When in movies they throw a grenade at a building and the whole building explodes

29. “It’s already infuriating when in movies they take a DNA sample and after 2 minutes they find out who the killer is.”

30. “But sex scenes irritate me. There’s no awkwardness, everyone takes off each other’s clothes easily, no drawbacks.”

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