A selection of interesting and slightly creepy photographs from curious people (14 photos)

30 July 2024
Category: miscellaneous, 0+

Some of the photographs in the collection are surprising in their scale, while others look quite ordinary. However, they all have a "wow" effect. They're also a little scary. Let's look at a selection of interesting and slightly scary photos from curious people from different parts of the Internet who shared their unusual observations.

Purple sky and haze in New York. Purple sunsets are quite common in some states. They typically occur during or after severe storms.

A sea snail that looks like it has a giant eyeball

The napkin strangely absorbed the spilled water

This is what an advertising mannequin looks like for displaying wigs.

This is what stage 1 bone cancer looks like

In this photo, children from Siberia are exposed to ultraviolet radiation. In this way, specialists compensated for the vitamin D deficiency in the body.

Very realistic mannequin in an observatory. Perhaps this is a hyper-realistic prop from the film, donated to the observatory after the film was made? It looks incredibly creepy.

Black-black house in Germany, the village of Mehringen

Devil's Tower is an amazing basalt mountain in the USA. Scientists believe that the mountain was formed as a result of a volcanic eruption, and its base arose due to the effects of erosion.

A mysterious red glow was observed over the Atlantic in 2022. It looks creepy. However, in reality, nothing mystical is happening in the photo. The pictures included boats for catching saury, equipped with special LED panels.

An albino turtle born with an open heart. This phenomenon is called ectopia of the heart. People and animals born with this anomaly can live long lives if they are given proper care.

A patch of grass resembling the outline of a person. There is dried grass around. Should we start panicking? This happens when a sewer pipe breaks underground. Let's hope this was exactly the case.

This is what a moose tooth looks like. He's quite human-like

An almost perfectly square hole has formed in the sky

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