Unusual uses for ordinary things (28 photos)

18 July 2024
Category: life hack, 0+

All things are created for a specific purpose. They are ideal for solving a specific task and, it would seem, this is where their usefulness ends: they wash clothes with powder, season food with salt, remove stains from light-colored clothes with bleach, and so on. But almost all household items have other, non-obvious uses, and these are the examples that Internet experts listed in the comments to a popular post on Reddit.

1. Condensed milk

"Condensed milk helps with chronic nausea and vomiting. Not only is it great for cooking, but one pharmacist told me to add a little water to it to make it the consistency of a thick soup and slowly drink it to the patient. This will help reduce the urge to gag and give the medicine time to reach the patient." to the stomach and start working, and condensed milk also contains the necessary sugar. I tried this method on adults and children, and it worked perfectly every time.”

2. Salt

"Add salt to your hand wash to help get rid of gasoline smell."

3. Garlic press

"When we go to a restaurant, I put a garlic press in my purse to make baby puree out of any steamed vegetables on the menu."

4. Flat head screwdriver

“I speak as a mechanic: a flat-head screwdriver is a pry bar, a tool for opening a package, a square screwdriver, a punch, a measuring bridge, a scraper, a chisel, and, the most useless thing, a flat-head screwdriver.”

5. Cornstarch

"Cornstarch is a good coagulant if you need to stop bleeding quickly."

6. Mascara brush

“Clean mascara brushes are used in animal shelters to brush pets and remove insect larvae and eggs from fur.”

7. Landline phone

"The dial tone of a landline phone corresponds to the A note of the first octave, so it can be used to fine-tune the instrument without a tuner."

8. Coffee grounds

"Coffee grounds are quite versatile. Among other things, they can be used in the following ways:

add to potting soil for pH balance;

put in the refrigerator to neutralize odors;

scrub pots and pans with it;

clear the steps of ice;

scare away ants;

Use as a skin scrub."

9. Hair balm

"Hair balm can be used as shaving foam."

10. Rubber bands

Ordinary pharmaceutical rubber bands can be wrapped around the lid of a jar that does not give way, and then it will be easy to open.

11. Oil

"Any cooking oil will easily remove pine resin from your hands. Just use it like soap."

12. Vinegar

"Vinegar is great. You can use it as a cheap cleaner, freshen up your coffee maker, and treat foot fungus and itching."

13. Cheap vodka

"Cheap vodka from the bottom shelves of the store. Pour it into a spray bottle and spray it on the bathroom walls to get rid of mold, clothes to eliminate unpleasant odors, and mirrors and glass to clean them."

14. Liquid laundry detergent

"Liquid laundry detergent glows under a black light lamp, but is invisible under normal light. You can dip a cotton swab in this detergent and draw/write something on the walls, and it will only be visible under a black light lamp. Products from different manufacturers glow differently color."

15. Scissors

“Scissors are very convenient for cutting pizza.”

16. Hydrogen peroxide

“Hydrogen peroxide is great for removing blood stains.”

17. French press

"You can froth milk in a French press. Simply add hot milk and raise/lower the plunger until the milk has roughly doubled in volume."

18. Veterinary patch

“A veterinary patch and a sports bandage are essentially the same thing, but the veterinary one is much cheaper.”

19. WD-40

"This product removes old dried glue from any surface without leaving any stains or damage."

20. Vaseline

"When you dye your hair, apply a thick layer of Vaseline along your hairline, ears and neck. If you accidentally get dye on your skin, it can be easily wiped off."

21. Cat litter

“Keep a bag of litter in the trunk in case you get stuck in ice or snow and need more traction.”

22. Bleach

"Use bleach to repel cockroaches. I used to have giant cockroaches crawling up from the drain in the summer. I was advised by a specialist to pour one cup of bleach down the drain every week. Do this in the room where you noticed the cockroaches. I started 18 months ago and have I haven’t seen a single cockroach since then.”

23. Nail polish remover

"To revive the marker, take it out of the housing and wet it with nail polish remover. It will work as good as new."

24. Vegetable oil

"Any vegetable oil is great for removing sticker marks."

25. Makeup remover wipes

“Makeup remover wipes are great for getting grease off your bike chain.”

26. Jeweler's loupe

"A jeweler's loupe can be used as a macro lens for a smartphone."


"Shaving foam prevents car windows and bathroom mirrors from fogging up."

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