How many demons are there in hell? (6 photos)

13 May 2024
Category: terrible, 16+

All religious teachings and national cultures cultivate their own ideas about demons and Hell. Christianity speaks of Satan as the personification of universal Evil. Islam shares the concepts of Hell and Shaitan - the leader of all evil beings. Ancient Greek mythology is full of various demon deities, each of which plays a specific role in the fight against the gods or in the lives of people.

Demons of Hell


World demonology

Christian demons

List of Hell Demon Names

Demons with animal form

Demons and deadly sins

Are Satan, Lucifer, the Devil the same thing?

Angel of Death Samael


Incubi and succubi

The exact number of demons in hell, what they look like, as well as their “qualitative” composition is impossible to establish, since this depends on the point of view of the prevailing religious canons or beliefs. The answer will always be uncertain. However, regardless of everything, demons remain mystical and terrifying creatures that continue to excite our imagination and arouse interest in the secrets of the other world.

World demonology

Road to hell

There are no scientific descriptions of the demons of Hell in the traditional understanding of science, since science deals with the study of phenomena that can be observed and measured. However, there are various cultural and mythological studies that can be considered pseudo-scientific. For example, demonology includes the classification of demons, a description of their behavior, as well as rituals for summoning, fighting and controlling the forces of Evil.

One of the most famous descriptions of the types of demons is Dante Alighieri's The Divine Comedy, where he details the structure of Hell and the characteristics of its inhabitants.

Christian demons

Christian theology claims that Satan (Lucifer) managed to seduce a significant part of the angels and make them his allies in the fight against the Creator. As a result, they became demons and were banished to Hell. The exact number of fallen angels, as well as their names, are not indicated in any of the publicly available religious sources.

In this case, the general concept has two branches. Supporters of one of them are convinced that Satan periodically reproduces new adherents, with which their opponents categorically disagree. Their point of view is based on the fact that there is only one Creator and his name is God. The forces of evil are replenishing their ranks at the expense of guilty angels.

List of Hell Demon Names


The most famous of the names, of course, is the Devil (Satan, Lucifer), positioned as the sole Ruler of Hell. Traditionally, he is depicted as an ugly dark red dragon with huge leathery wings, horns and claws on his fingers. He is married to Casicandriere, about whom virtually nothing is known.

The “first deputy” of Satan in the demonic hierarchy is the beautiful and cruel Astaroth, who, oddly enough, has a human appearance. He not only has “encyclopedic” knowledge, but also the ability to turn a person into “invisibility”. Sometimes, together with his wife - Astarte - they merge into a single whole, strengthening their power.

No less famous is the commander of the legions of Hell - Beelzebub. Some consider him to be another incarnation of Satan, while others call him the "Lord of the Flies" in the context of "dead flesh". His wife's name is Bufovirt.

The first of the “female” demons is Lilith, who was with Adam long before the appearance of Eve. Like any other woman, she is capable of appearing to the world, either in the form of a meek angel or a ruthless and bloodthirsty demon.

Demons with animal form


Some fallen angels do not have human forms and exist exclusively in the form of mystical monsters. The ones most often mentioned are Behemoth and Leviathan.

The hippopotamus is considered the personification of carnal sins - gluttony and adultery. It is he who is responsible for our manifestation of the basest, “animal” instincts. What he looks like is unknown.

There are all sorts of rumors about the origin of Leviathan. According to one of them, we are talking about the Serpent, created by God before anything else on Earth. The Creator was horrified by what he had done and destroyed it. The mention of the “writhing beast” is present in the text of the Old Testament.

Demons and deadly sins

Demon of Gluttony Beelzebub

There are associative connections between demons and mortal sins:

Lucifer with pride;

Beelzebub with gluttony;

Leviathan with envy;

Asmodea with lust;

Mammon with greed;

Belphegor with laziness;

Satan with anger.

Do you want to know which demon has possessed you? Follow the link: 15 interesting facts about demonic possession.

Are Satan, Lucifer, the Devil the same thing?

Before the conflict with God, the angel bore the name “Lucifer,” which is translated from Latin as “bringer of light.” After being banished to Hell, he became the enemy of God, which in Latin sounds like “Satan.” "Enemy" has a synonym for "slanderer", or "Diaboli", that is, "Devil".

Angel of Death Samael

Angel of Death Samael

It is logical to assume that “angels” are positive entities, and “demons” are negative. Therefore, the phrase “angel of death” is unnatural and ambiguous. There is a point of view according to which Samael simply controls the natural course of events - none of us are eternal.


This is not Satan because he is not a fallen angel. The prefix “anti” has two interpretations - “instead of” and “against”. In this context, Antichrist is a divine entity that will come to Earth instead of Jesus Christ and/or reject his teachings.

Incubi and succubi

Incubi and succubi are one of the lowest categories in the hierarchy of demons known in many religions and mythologies. Incubi are male demons, and succubi are female. They feed on the vital energy and sexual desire of their victims, leaving them exhausted and exhausted.

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