“Appear, not be”: girls who really love Photoshop and filters (17 photos)
Only at first glance do these beauties seem stunning. In fact, this is a blatant lie.
It all started with the advent of Instagram, when people one day realized that on the Internet you can look so different that you lose touch with reality. Then TikTok entered the arena, which gained wild popularity in a matter of days, after which it was instantly filled with beautiful and very young people. Having watched enough of lip sync dancing, the older generation began total rejuvenation on the Internet. And so we came to the conclusion that now everyone on the Internet is young, smooth and slender, but in reality people walk around and don’t recognize each other. Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do about it other than look at comparison photos of people who are too into Photoshop and filters. For what? Because at least it's funny.
“She used the photo on the left for a job application... I really don't understand it, I love filters too, but I am very aware that they change my appearance and make me look different from myself. But this is a job application!”
It is quite strange that employers require a photo to be attached to a job application, but in some countries (eg Germany) this is reportedly the norm.
“A real case of Instagram vs. reality”
On the left is a photo from her Instagram, on the right is the announcement of a television interview. She certainly doesn't look like another person, but pay attention to her nose and chin.
“Advertising on the Internet, the reflection in the mirror does not match the clothes you are wearing. There are also some strange distortions in the photo and a strange way of photoshopping the skin onto the legs.”
If you don’t take into account the photoshopped skin, then something terrible is happening to the wall and floor in the photo.
“Yes, it’s the same woman in both photos. She recently turned 50 years old."
We think 50-year-old women should not look like 20-year-old girls. She looks pretty good for being 50.
Photo on Instagram versus screenshot from video
At least the earrings are still the same??
Using photoshop and real look
In the photo, the girl raises her hand, because this simple gesture allows you to stretch your body, flatten your stomach a little, lift your chest and look a little taller in the photo??
This girl can't seem to get over the fact that she doesn't have a triangle chin.
The left photo is how the girl presents herself on Instagram now; she published the photo on the right on her profile until 2019.
The filter that turned her into a different person
The user who posted this photo wrote that he knew the woman personally and confirmed that this was not mother and daughter.
What's wrong with these women's hands? Feels like some kind of setup
And the woman’s left breast in the center is generally larger than her head.
The photo that the model published and her own photo, which can be purchased from the Getty Images photo bank
It could very well be mother and daughter.
Photo from Instagram versus screenshot from an interview
The woman states that her goal is to become a French Barbie doll. We're not sure what she's doing, but we can say for sure that the makeup on her lower eyelids looks pretty otherworldly??
Famous singer in Romania. What she posts on her Instagram and a screenshot from the interview video
In the left photo they were so carried away with Photoshop that they covered up half the chain and almost the entire pendant???
Photo from the girl’s Instagram and her photo in an article about a TV show with her participation
Thanks to tattoos, because thanks to them we can be sure that this is really the same person.
Jennifer Lopez looks amazing at 52, but for some reason she still photoshops her photos to make herself look 20.
The photo on the left was published by J.Lo on her Instagram, the photo on the right was taken on February 10, 2021 at the premiere of the new film with her participation, “The First Person You Meet”???
If the girl had disappeared, then they would never have been able to find her from the photo on the right
Oh those crazy filters that make all the girls look the same.
75-year-old Dutch TV presenter. On the left is a photo she recently posted on Instagram, on the right is a photo from an event in 2019
The filter shamelessly blurred the skin in the left photo, depriving it of pores, and generally did something alarming to the nose. How about a two-in-one nose?