21 touching photos of dogs whose owners threw a birthday party (22 photos)
Many owners adore their pets and pamper them in every possible way. For example, they throw them a real party for their birthdays: with a cake, candles, a festive dish and funny caps - in a word, everything is as it should be. Well, pets deserve it.
A special dinner for this sweet dog's birthday.
He looks like he's smiling, he's so pleased with the attention. And they found him a festive cap especially for the tailed ones - with paw prints.
The birthday boy looks so happy
His loving owners made him a special cake in the shape of a bone and stuck a candle in it. He probably can't wait to try it.
And these ponytails had a real party by the pool
And all the tailed ones are happy.
This puppy clearly loved his cake.
“Mmm, man, this is exactly what I wanted!”
“Mistress, you take so long to take pictures. I can’t wait, I want to try this pie.”
Full smile
The holiday treat was so delicious.
Exciting moment
It seems that he did not expect such a surprise and pie.
This is one of the best gifts a dog can have on his birthday.
“Come on, master, don’t delay! What tasty things have you prepared for me?”
“Say it again, man, how old did you say I am?!”
Can't believe his eyes and nose - he was given a whole cupcake
And someone is calm and indifferent to all this festive fuss and treats
This photo is full of love for an elderly dog.
The expressions on their faces look as if someone they didn’t invite came to their party
Fluffy with a bowtie on his neck received a delicious steak for his birthday
This dog got a lot of gifts
“Vasya, can you stop meowing already?!”
“Master, this is so delicious! Can you give me treats like this more often?”
“Man, I’m so pleased!”
Three birthday people at once
And everyone has a jar of pate with a candle.
Fun party