15 long-haired guys who said goodbye to their manes (16 photos)

7 March 2025
Category: beauty, 0+

Changing your hairstyle can change your life for the better or be a complete disappointment. You can find out the degree of your luck only by deciding to take risks.

Men who grow their hair long usually find it incredibly difficult to make a radical change and cut off their precious locks. Almost always they delay this moment until the last moment, but when the cherished transformation does occur, they cannot take their eyes off themselves. Your appearance completely changes, allowing you to look at yourself from a completely new perspective.

Before and after haircut

Little makeover for Mr. Best

Fashion for men's hairstyles changes in the same way as for women's. Choosing a suitable haircut depends on many factors, including lifestyle, personal feelings, facial structure and much more. Men who decide to change their image and cut off their long hair should carefully choose their hairstyle. A hair stylist or barber will help in this difficult matter.

Yesterday there was hair, but today there is no hair!

It was not easy to decide on such a transformation

I can't believe I did this

How to properly deal with unruly hair

Long hair looks attractive on both women and men. However, excessively thick and voluminous hair is not always practical.

Do you still think that haircut doesn't matter?

Getting my hair cut is the best decision I've ever made.

Recently got my hair cut

Men who decide to grow their hair, as a rule, want to emphasize their individuality and stand out from others. Fortunately, today there are also many short haircuts that allow you to experiment with the look as much as you like.

I've been growing my hair for two years and yesterday I decided to cut my hair. How do you like it?

What do I look like now?

The man played in a rock band, but when it broke up, he decided to cut his hair

Men in India and the USA often prefer to wear long hair. In China, they are considered a symbol of strength.

Strict style suits this guy

Crazy transformation

Bill's main transformation. He hasn't cut his hair since he was fourteen

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