No to plastic: stars who prefer to age naturally (13 photos)
It would seem that these famous women can afford to have plastic surgery every day, fortunately they are not constrained by finances. However, they prefer to age naturally and rely on natural beauty.
1. Meryl Streep (70 years old)
The actress advocates naturalness and makes fun of her colleagues who strive to remain young forever.
2. Sharon Stone (61 years old)
Many do not believe that the Hollywood diva has never gone under the knife of plastic surgeons, because for her age she looks just great. But the Basic Instinct star continues to claim that her beauty is natural.
3. Julia Roberts (51 years old)
“Pretty Woman” also admits that she has never resorted to plastic surgery and has no plans to do so.
4. Kate Winslet (43 years old)
The actress considers artificial interventions in the natural aging processes immoral.
5. Julianne Moore (58 years old)
According to the star, rarely does anyone look better after plastic surgery than before the operation. On the contrary, a person simply becomes different and loses himself.
6. Salma Hayek (52 years old)
The sultry beauty admits that she was thinking about changing something about herself. But she is so afraid of injections that she does not dare to interfere with the natural aging process.
7. Cate Blanchett (50 years old)
According to the star, you can stay young by eating right and using only natural cosmetics. That's the whole secret.
8. Jodie Foster (56 years old)
The Hollywood actress does not condemn people who decide to undergo plastic surgery. However, she decided for herself that it would be better to tell people about who she is and what she has done, than to demonstrate that she is ashamed of herself.
9. Monica Bellucci (54 years old)
The Italian tries not to think that beauty will go away, because it is impossible to turn back time. Therefore, in her opinion, it is better to relax and enjoy life.
10. Rachel Weisz (49 years old)
The actress has not changed at all over the years. She herself believes that every age has its advantages. And those who “erase” wrinkles from their faces, on the contrary, look unattractive.
11. Emma Thompson (60 years old)
The celebrity is perplexed why society imposes the opinion that at 60 you need to look 30?! After all, aging gracefully is also an art.
12. Diane Keaton (73 years old)
The woman admits that she prefers to remain herself and not imitate others. After all, she is already comfortable and good.