Funny photos of children who cut their own hair (20 photos)

24 February 2025
Category: children, 0+

Children are also those who love experiments. For example, if they get hold of scissors or a hair clipper, they immediately try to try these tools on themselves, namely on their hair.

The result is stunning haircuts that leave parents speechless. Unfortunately, such an outburst of fantasy often ends in children’s tears, because expectations and reality almost never coincide. But you shouldn’t be too upset about this. Your hair will definitely grow back.

He decided he could cut his hair himself

My son cut his own hair. Yes, yes, with these same scissors

My daughter found scissors and cut her hair. Now she looks like Yolandi

Mom, did I really do this?

The guy wanted a mohawk

Lola is indignant

He thought he could handle it

He looks just like a high school principal.

Best cosplay of Kevin Malone from The Office.

Soon he will start yelling at small children to get off the lawn.

Well hello

Look who got a new haircut

I did it and regretted it

The older brother and father thought the result was good

Oops! So what should we do now?

If he uses hairspray and doesn't shower for a few weeks, no one will ever know.

One day my daughter cut off her hair. It didn't bother her at all

Avery cut her own hair. She seems delighted with the result.

When I wanted to be like dad

Now he will understand what awaits him around the age of forty.

My sister's daughter decided to update her hairstyle

The facial expression speaks for itself

I promise I will never cut my hair again

Tiger King: Prequel.

I remember cutting my hair off as a child because it was "in the way of my eyes" and I didn't realize it would leave little prickly hairs.

Backing vocalist for Die Antwoord.

I don't know where the hair went, honestly

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