9 interesting facts about the Mummy franchise (10 photos)

19 August 2024
Category: movie, 0+

Despite the fact that the film "The Mummy" was rejected by audiences, it became a box office hit soon after its release.

Tom Cruise


Initially, Tom Cruise was supposed to play the main role, but he refused the offer and thereby lost the main character to Brendan Fraser, who literally built a career on this franchise. The interesting thing is that Tom Cruise still starred in The Mummy, but only in 2017. This film was supposed to become part of a large-scale cinematic universe, but it was not successful enough for anyone to think about sequels and spin-offs. In particular, because of the failure, Tom Cruise himself was criticized, who insisted that more time should be given to his character. Because of this, Princess Amonet lost a lot of screen time.

Arnold Vosloo

In the franchise, Imhotep was played by Arnold Vosloo. His character is distinguished not only by his supernatural abilities, but also by the fact that there is not a single hair on his body, not counting his eyebrows. This is the result of daily shaving. However, once a day was not enough, so Arnold was completely shaved twice a day.


In the films, various animals played a significant role, posing a danger to the heroes. However, the crew was not safe outside of filming. The filming location was home to a huge number of spiders, scorpions and other insects, including poisonous ones. Because of this, a helicopter was always presented to the film crew, which was ready to take the wounded man to the nearest hospital. And the helicopter was used quite often for this purpose.


Due to the unstable situation in Egypt, the studio could not afford to send several dozen people to this country, where the film crew could get hurt or lose equipment with a helicopter. Therefore, it was decided to film in Morocco. It worked because no one noticed the difference.


Due to the abundance of sand, the film crew had quite a lot of problems with their weapons. It simply jammed when sand got into it. It took too long to clean it, so soon the actors just started pretending to shoot if the weapon malfunctioned. Then in post-production they added bullets, smoke and everything else using visual effects.

One take

Typically, many scenes require at least several takes, but not everyone has such capabilities. For example, the scene at the end of the film "1917", when the main character runs across the field and runs into soldiers, was filmed in the first take. The film crew had more than one chance, but the first take was successful. At the same time, collisions and falls were not included in the script; George MacKay encountered extras by chance, but never stopped breaking out of character.

There was a similar scene in The Mummy when Evelyn accidentally dropped some racks in the library. After an unsuccessful take, I would have to put all the book racks back, and this would take a lot of time. As a result, only a few takes could be filmed per day. But Rachel Weisz managed to successfully act in this scene the first time, which, perhaps, all her colleagues were incredibly happy about.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio was also considered for the lead role. We can say that he had even more chances than everyone else. However, DiCaprio has already signed on for the film "The Beach" with Tilda Swinton. He sincerely wanted to take part in “The Mummy” and even asked “The Beach” director Danny Boyle to postpone filming a little, but was refused, despite the fact that he was already a big star and could dictate terms to the studios.


Morocco is also not the safest country, so the filmmakers enlisted the help of the army. who guarded the film crew during the entire process. At the same time, various risks still remained, so the director insured the life of each actor, but did not tell any of them about it.

Bad take

In one episode, Brendan Fraser's character was hanged. Brendan performed this scene without doubles, which was very unfortunate, because it clearly did not go according to plan. Fraser thought he would hold his breath before he began to hang, then he would be taken down and he would continue to bring joy to lives. But no. When Brendan started to hang, he became a little confused, tried to stand on his tiptoes, and then woke up. Between the time Fraser stood on his tiptoes and woke up, he lost consciousness and was passed out for 18 seconds until he was revived. Brendan said in one of his interviews that he didn’t like it and it was painful.

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