14 moments in the film "Shutter Island" that spoil the ending even before the end of the film (14 photos)

14 August 2024
Category: movie, 0+

"Shutter Island" is a film that you need to watch at least twice. All because of the unexpected ending, in which the viewer learns that the main character was actually a hospital patient who, with the help of an impromptu performance, wanted to return to his former life.

Director Martin Scorsese does not simply present the viewer with a fact. Before this, he gives several clues, some of which literally scream that the main character is a patient, not a marshal.


This point is impossible to understand unless you know Teddy Daniels' backstory, but several scenes in the film can lead to certain thoughts. The scene opens with Teddy experiencing symptoms of seasickness. This is partly because he was passed out from the drugs he was given to get him onto the ship, and partly because Teddy associates the water with terrible memories. His wife drowned the children, and from that moment Teddy could not help but think of the children whenever he saw water. This also manifested itself in other moments, but more on them later.


As Teddy exits, several handcuffs can be seen. It is likely that patients were transported on this ship, which is why there are so many handcuffs. But it's also likely that Teddy was in one of those handcuffs. The only thing that ruins this theory is the lack of marks on Teddy's wrists, although otherwise this would be a very strong clue.


Everyone in the hospital played their role, including the guards, who suffered a lot with Teddy, who was the most violent patient. Because of this, they pushed all their acting potential to the second side and looked at him as if they were ready to shoot. And this was indeed the case. Teddy immediately noticed that the guards were too nervous, although they should have met the representatives of the law much more cordially.


The so-called actors screwed up several times, and almost every time Teddy noticed it, but didn’t attach much importance to it. When the marshals are asked to surrender their weapons, Lester Sheen, as Chuck Owl, begins to remove his holster, but is unable to do so. Only after nervous manipulations does he manage to pull it out and give it to the deputy warden. Teddy's gaze at this moment is priceless.


This is not the first time they tried to bring Teddy back to his senses, but each time there was regression. And after each unsuccessful time, the whole game was started again, and the guards, whose work was already quite nervous because of the most dangerous patients, were forced to play along. Therefore, they can be understood precisely in this scene on the rocks. When the guards are in Teddy's sights, they act particularly interested in the search, but when he turns away, they again become terrible actors, or don't even try to hide the fact that they are tired of being there.


The scene with the orderlies is especially interesting if you look at all the faces. The employees are somewhat tense due to the presence of Teddy, who could easily harm one of them, but they chuckle between times because they do not take Teddy seriously and do not believe that he can be cured. In the first shot, nurses and orderlies smile and let out silent giggles as their colleague Lester Sheen plays the marshal. And in the second shot, they all start to get nervous when Teddy senses a lie, gets up and goes to one of the orderlies. The nurse suddenly stops breathing, the orderlies around change their stance to combat and prepare to fight off their colleague in case Teddy has a seizure. Well, the third frame is the clearest for the viewer. Lester Sheen exchanges glances with one of the orderlies, smiles and nods at him, and he smiles back, and then they go their separate ways. A very strange relationship between two people who see each other for the first time. And in frames four and five, Lester Sheen's identity is once again compromised. When one of the nurses talks about the escaped patient's doctor, she mentions Dr. Lester Sheen, who plays Teddy's partner in this play. At this point, the nurse begins to hesitate, as if she should not have said this. She glances at Lester a few times, and then the shot pans to Chuck Owl, who also seems a little scared that Teddy might notice something is wrong.

Water again

And again we return to the water. When the nurse talks about the patient who ran away, she mentions that she didn't like the rain. The same can be said about Teddy himself, who had a nightmare during a storm, and then he discovered that water was dripping from a pipe on him. The nurse said about the rain for a reason, it’s all connected with Teddy himself, who is haunted by water throughout the film. Even in the nightmare, when his wife, who supposedly burned in a fire, crumbled like ashes, what was left on Teddy’s hands was not ashes, but water.


The hospital's patients know each other. The main character, even upon arrival, realized that the patients were paying attention to him. The same rule also works in the other direction - Teddy knows everything about those with whom he is in the same walls. He also knows about other people's triggers. When Teddy is interrogating one patient, out of anger, he purposefully takes a pencil and begins to draw with it on a notepad, pressing it so hard that a characteristic creaking sound appears that begins to irritate the patient. Teddy knew that this particular guy hated such sounds, and so he, without any doubt, began to piss him off.

And again Lester Sheen

It was this patient who gave many viewers their first direct clue in the form of a note saying “Run,” but she gave at least three clues during the conversation. When Teddy started talking about Lester Sheen, she lost her eloquence, looked a little sideways at Chuck Ole and then praised Lester. Then she asked for a glass of water. And when they brought her water, she only pretended to drink, but there was no glass in her hand. However, this is all a deception of the director. The patient was actually drinking water because in the next shot she lowered the empty glass. Teddy Daniels removed the glass from this equation in his head due to the same dislike of water. But when the water in the glass ran out, he saw the glass.

This suggests that Teddy is experiencing headaches due to the water trigger when he cannot ignore it. He can easily imagine that there is no glass of water, and this makes Teddy feel great. But when he swims, he cannot imagine that there is no water, because a ship cannot sail on sand. The same goes for rain and the water that falls on it. He cannot pretend that she is not there, because he is in direct contact with her. The same can be said about visions. At the cliff at the end of the second act of the film, Teddy sees that Chuck has fallen and died, but he made it up in his head because the waves were crashing against the rocks. and Teddy couldn't imagine that they weren't there. He then met with the second Rachel Solando, although he was actually talking to himself.

Head of security

The whole performance was ruined by the head of security, who met Teddy after the storm and offered him a ride. He said bluntly: “Cowley is sure that you are a lamb, that you are under control,” and then added that he knew him.

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