15 sloppy shoppers who piss off store employees (16 photos)

8 August 2024
Category: funny, 0+

When we go to the supermarket, we find ourselves in a heavenly place with thousands of types of products that make our eyes wide open. But behind all the correctly arranged goods and hanging price tags there is a lot of work of store employees, which few people appreciate.

People take goods and do not put them back, and sometimes even throw them away, eat food, leave empty packages on shelves and do other unpleasant things. Store employees decided to share their pain and show what they have to deal with every day. We can only feel sorry for them and not repeat the actions of the sloppy buyers from our article.

“People who leave carts full of food in the supermarket are very annoying.”

The comments explained that, judging by the set of goods (diapers and meat), it was a so-called “booster cart.” Those. this cart belonged to a shoplifter who was hoping to wheel it out of the store without paying for the groceries (happens more often than you think). Then the thief hoped to resell it all at half price in some poor area, where this product would sell out very quickly??

“A colleague found this hidden in the wine section... Yes, these are teeth marks.”

You've probably heard of a dish called tartare, which is made from raw beef, but taking bites out of a raw beef steak while stuck in the wine aisle is too much??

“A store visitor decided to have breakfast in our toilet paper department. The worst thing is that the villains used chocolate milk."

Someone took disposable bowls, opened several packages of breakfast cereal, poured chocolate milk all over it, ate it, and threw it in the toilet paper department. Judging by the number of bowls, there were at least two scoundrels. Many users wrote that they were sure that some children did this while making a video for Tiktok????

“So today the customer tried to pay with this.”

"It was kids, one of whom said, 'I've lost the rest, but you can still see it's a ten.' I think they never had more than half of the bill, they probably just found a piece and thought they found “money,” the author of the photo wrote. The author also wrote that he would have called the police if these were not children??

Why... Just why?

Someone walked into the supermarket with their Starbucks drink and just left it on the shelf without even finishing it. On the day this photo was published, did some “Logan” receive a lot of curses from users?

“Someone did it in a CD rental machine. Very bad"

Redbox kiosks located in retail chains offer rentals of a variety of movie and video game discs. Someone took a Playstation 4 game, scanned the disc, printed it out on paper at a 1:1 scale, and replaced it with the actual disc in the box. Then the villain simply returned the box with the disc to the machine, which successfully read the barcode on the “disc.” The author of the photo was unlucky and got exactly this “disc”, the rental of which he had already paid for??

“The visitor tried the comb on his dog and put it back on the shelf.”

The irony is that the comb says “self-cleaning” and “try me.” In fact, there is a button to try, when pressed, the dark base of the comb rises, as if cleaning itself (the principle of operation is shown on the packaging). However, this careless dog lover was too lazy to even press the button??

Was there a hurricane in the shoe department?

We can only feel sorry for the poor employees who will have to clean it all up. According to some users, shoes may have been stolen here, and the mess was made to cover their tracks, because it is much more difficult to quickly understand which pair is missing???

“Someone returned the sofa like this to the supermarket.”

The photo was taken at the Costco supermarket, where, judging by the stories of commentators who used to work there, they return something else. Among the stories of former employees were those returned: Christmas trees at the end of January, summer plants at the end of summer, sofas after parties, televisions after football cups, etc. The wildest story was the one in which a woman came to the supermarket to return a stroller 12 years after purchase, citing the fact that she no longer used it. Of course, she doesn’t use it, because her child is already in 6-7 grade! The most interesting thing is that the woman got her money back, but not because she had the right to it, but because she called the manager and caused a big scandal. Imagine, all these 12 years she carefully kept the check..???

How did customers leave this shoe section in the store?

And another local hurricane that swept through the shoe department. This is reportedly a mess left over from Black Friday??

“As a supermarket worker, I hate the start of the school year.”

As the author of the photo said, an hour ago everything in this department was neatly sorted and put on shelves??

“There was a 70% discount on clothes in the store, people were taking things and then just throwing them on the floor.”

We will never understand why people think they can act like a spoiled child in a toy store when the store is on sale? However, stores also often sell so many clothes that, when trying to get one item, you immediately get all 5??

“People are testing spray paint right on the floor of a supermarket.”

It’s hard to keep customers from trying paint to see its color with their own eyes (for which prudent store owners place cardboard and pieces of plywood nearby), but here people were drawing and writing entire inscriptions on the floor!

A task for the most attentive: find an indecent pattern painted over with white paint??

Why not leave your chilled chicken in the personal care aisle?

“I have a family member who worked at Walmart. He said one of the biggest waste items was meat left on some shelf or at the checkout counter. After 20 minutes, all the meat should be destroyed,” said one commentator.

Apparently someone had a sudden need and had to choose between meat and adult diapers. By the way, this tray of chicken was $18! ??

People don't care much about how they leave their shoes after trying them on.

And again our favorite shoe madness. This, like other cases, occurred in the USA.

If you have stories about scoundrels in retail, write them in the comments, we and other readers would be interested to hear about them.

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