Funny and whimsical balconies (20 photos)

16 June 2024
Category: construction, 0+

As you know, a balcony is a necessary thing, but it is with this part of human dwellings that some kind of metamorphosis always occurs.

When buying an apartment or a house, people don’t forget about the balcony, which not only increases the living space, but also allows you to store things there (hello, old skis and sleds), hang laundry, and even gives the opportunity to garden for those who don’t have a summer house. Also, with a little effort, your balcony can be turned into a chic place to relax, where you can read or listen to music in the fresh air. Also, you can turn your balcony into a solar power plant. Or a ship. What? Do you think this is impossible? Believe me, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

"I bought suitable furniture for my balcony"

It's just a kind of fire pole

What about those solar panels installed on your balcony?

Balcony for outdoor swimmers

Professional parkour athletes must live in this house.

Balcony illusion

Perhaps this person has always dreamed of going to sea, but can only afford to go out onto the balcony

Additional balcony for pigeons. Lovely!

It's just that the owner of this balcony values his privacy too much.

How to get to this balcony?

That balcony must have a picturesque view!

What grace! What a style!

Meanwhile, somewhere in Evpatoria, Crimea

Balcony, you're drunk, go home!

DIY balcony

Someone got a little carried away and turned their balcony into a tropical jungle

The designer freaked out a little

This balcony looks a little unsafe

It seems the apartment owners got something mixed up

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